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Liner Helps Facility Return to its Regular Operations

xdrwc.comes to the rescue with basin liner replacement after setback with other contractor


The Remington Water Pollution Control Facility needed a liner replacement for one of its basins because the existing liner was old and damaged. The facility had made arrangements for a liner replacement, but the contractor unexpectedly backed out of the agreement to install the liner before the end of the year. This put the town in a predicament because its facility was only running on one basin, which was only supposed to be a standby. Any large amount of rain would cause major issues. They needed the liner replaced sooner than later.​​


Evoqua's Geomembrane Technologies, in cooperation with Lange Containment Systems (also an Evoqua brand), worked quickly to design, fabricate, and install the required replacement liner​ for the Remington Water Pollution Control Facility. The liner was constructed of high-quality 45mil reinforced polypropylene and included an 8oz non-woven geotextile underlayment.

The liner was custom-designed to fit the basin, which measures approximately 104 ft x 86 ft (32 m x 26 m) and 10 ft (3 m) deep. The project also included 304 stainless steel perimeter anchors to properly secure the liner to the basin.​​


The new Geomembrane Technologies™ brand liner has allowed the Remington Water Pollution Control Facility to return to its regular operations after the setback with the other contractor. In retrospect, the appointment of Geomembrane Technologies was a blessing in disguise.

" I was impressed with the quality of work and the expediency of the installation. Everything went as promised and the professionalism of the employees was excellent. Our plant operator is well satisfied with the installation—and so am I. We owe Geomembrane Technologies a debt of gratitude. "

James Stewart, Vice President, Remington, Indiana Town Council
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