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Chemical Company Replaces Traveling Water Screen

Achieves EPA Regulations to Protect Aquatic Life

A global leader in the chemical industry with major manufacturing facilities in the Northeastern United States needed to quickly comply with emerging EPA regulations being implemented to protect aquatic life. In 2014, Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act was passed establishing standards for cooling water intake requiring power generation and manufacturing facilities to use more advanced traveling water screens designed to reduce the impingement and entrainment of aquatic life. A state where the chemical company has one of its production facilities, was quick to implement the regulation requiring the chemical company to find a solution that could filter its intake water sourced from a canal off a major river, as its existing traveling water screen was not compliant.

Intake Traveling Water Screen


This chemical company is driven by its purpose to create a cleaner and better world. As a values-driven company, it is committed to responsible manufacturing for the well-being of humankind and for the environment. Despite using a source of intake water that didn’t have an abundance of aquatic life, the chemical company saw the emerging environmental regulation as an opportunity to live its corporate values and quickly began evaluating a variety of potential screen filtration options that would successfully achieve compliance and allow the company to renew its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.


With the regulation designed to protect aquatic life, the chemical company sought to modify its existing traveling water screen to meet the best technology available requirements for impingement reduction and fish and aquatic life recovery. The chemical company contacted  Evoqua’s intake water experts for guidance on ensuring compliance and following discussions determined one of its best options was to install a fish friendly traveling water screen.

More than 30 years ago, Evoqua’s pioneers developed a capture and release method of handling fish, in conjunction with Dr. Joseph D. Ristroph. A decade later, Evoqua developed an improved system known as the Modified Ristroph design. Evoqua’s traveling water screen contains the only non-metallic, maintenance free, and corrosion resistant fish friendly traveling water screen basket with an integral fish bucket. Ultimately, the chemical company selected Evoqua’s Modified Ristroph Fish Protection Traveling Water Screen due to it being recognized by the EPA as a best technology available to comply with its 316(b) regulation. 

Evoqua’s modified fish friendly traveling water screen utilizes a capture and release design which uses specially designed non-metallic fish baskets with integral fish buckets that minimize turbulence to aquatic life. The product also contains smooth-top woven screen mesh and low-pressure fish spray headers to prevent harm to fish along with a separate fish return trough. The non-metallic Modified Ristroph Fish Basket is also equipped to accept Evoqua’s Fine Mesh Overlay Panel system. In addition to meeting EPA 316(b) compliance, Evoqua’s Fish Protection Traveling Water Screen design is a reduced maintenance design equipped with lightweight, high strength, corrosion resistant baskets, roll-around boot terminal with no foot-shaft assembly, non-lube / extended life main carrier chain, and u-style spray headers that allow flushing.


The chemical plant’s existing traveling water screen went through a comprehensive turnkey replacement that was completed within the required timeline in order to meet regulatory requirements. Evoqua’s Dive Service Team completed the removal of the existing traveling water screen and installation of the new Evoqua Fish Protection Traveling Water Screen while meeting all the chemical company’s safety procedures and guidelines despite navigating various site challenges.

In partnership with Evoqua, the chemical company’s New Jersey manufacturing facility successfully met the requirements of the EPA’s Clean Water Act, Section 316(b) and was granted renewal of its NPDES permit. 

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