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High-Purity Water Simplified

Systems and methods to achieve different degrees of water purification

High-Purity Water Simplified

Jeff Holland, Rich Jarrett and Alan Knapp

It is easy to think that the water coming out of our faucets can be used anywhere. Although potable water provided by a municipality is treated and held to specific safety and health standards, it often contains impurities that can have a significant impact on certain manufacturing processes and end products. 

Many industrial processes demand water of higher purity than what is typically provided by municipalities

This Chemical Engineering article reviews how water is purified for industrial use, why high-purity water is needed in different markets and how to maintain water quality over time. 




Authors: Jeff Holland, Rich Jarrett and Alan Knapp, Evoqua Water Technologies

Source: Chemical Engineering, High-Purity Water Simplified, April 2020

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